What are the Barriers to Digital Inclusion in 2022?

Research suggests that there are several barriers, and more than one may affect individuals at any one time. Partnership is an essential foundation for digital inclusion strategies.

Definition of digital inclusion:

To understand the barriers to digital inclusion we need to first understand what is included in when we mention digital inclusion:

  1. Digital skills or the ability to use digital devices (such as computers or smart phones and the internet. This is important, but a lack of digital skills is not necessarily the only, or the biggest, barrier people face.
  2. Connectivity or access to the internet through broadband, wi-fi and mobile. People need the right infrastructure but that is only the start.
  3. Accessibility – Services need to be designed to meet all users’ needs, including those dependent on assistive technology to access digital services.



Barriers to digital inclusion

Research for the UK digital strategy suggests that there are a number of important barriers, and more than one may affect individuals at any one time. 

These are:

  • access – not everyone has the ability to connect to the internet and go online
  • skills – not everyone has the ability to use the internet and online services
  • confidence – some people fear online crime, lack trust or don’t know where to start online
  • motivation – not everyone sees why using the internet could be relevant and helpful



As access, skills and confidence improve, it is increasingly important to tackle other barriers, including:

  • design – not all digital services and products are accessible and easy to use
  • awareness – not everyone is aware of digital services and products available to them
  • staff capability and capacity – not all staff have the skills and knowledge to recommend digital services and products to service users


Good Things Foundation has produced an informative report on motivations of non-users of the internet


Achieve Foundation - Maintaining Healthy Relationships
Achieve Foundation – Maintaining Healthy Relationships



There are still significant levels of digital exclusion. Research suggests that barriers to digital exclusion are more likely to affect some people than others. Read our article on People Likely to be Digitally Excluded.

Digital Partnerships

At Achieve Foundation, we know from experience that the best way to help digitally excluded people is to provide one to one support with trusted digital champions.

A major drawback to digital inclusion is the resourcing of this support in terms of financing and availability of skilled champions. We believe that this can only be solved through partnership and collaboration.

Partnership is an essential foundation for digital inclusion strategies as no single organisation can solve this issue alone.

Therefore, Achieve Foundation continues to work with a wide variety of partners to build local digital inclusion partnerships.

Get in touch to partner with us to end digital inequalities.



This information is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated.

Link: https://digital.nhs.uk/about-nhs-digital/our-work/digital-inclusion/what-digital-inclusion-is

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